November's presidential election represents a comparison
between two forms of government. One, a democracy, driven by the
principle that many people have voices, and ideally a government
that works for a large sum of people. Two, an autocracy, driven by
the principle that few people have voices.
Autocracies, such as the 2024 Republican Party, often
communicate via jackassdom, including blame, repression, and
fear-mongering. In this episode, Julia and Jeremiah talk about
common communication ploys from autocracy, and ways that
progressives and other pro-democracy voters can avoid
responding in ways that reinforce jackassdom. We talk about:
Strategies of Autocracy
What is populism?
Political Theatre, a Distraction
Populism & Anti-Intellectualism
Moralism v. Moral Critique
How Social Media Limits Empathy
Check out Episode #79: How to Do Social Justice This Election
Season Without Being a Jackass: Understanding Populism on Apple
Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts.
Show notes and transcript are on the Sexvangelicals
About the Podcast
Sexvangelicals is a podcast about the sex education the church didn't want you to have, hosted by Julia and Jeremiah, two licensed and certified sex therapists.