One of the biggest myths about sexuality is that the more sex
you're having, the better the relationship is. Perhaps that's true,
perhaps that isn't. But the myths around quantity place extreme
pressures to perform sex, and a lot of panic around seasons with a
lower quantity of sex.
This week, as we continue our summer series "Taking a Break
From...", Julia and Jeremiah talk about:
Sexual sabbaticals
The anxiety around sexual sabbaticals
The pressures around sex in Evangelical contexts
Transitions into sexuality, and ensuing pressures
The decrease of sexual activity among gen-Z
The ebbs and flows of sexuality throughout the course of a
Check out Episode #74: Summer Series: Taking a Break from Sex
on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you get your
Show notes and transcript are on the SV website.
About the Podcast
Sexvangelicals is a podcast about the sex education the church didn't want you to have, hosted by Julia and Jeremiah, two licensed and certified sex therapists.